Wine barrel steaming service

Steam is an ideal cleaning method for wine barrels. It penetrates 5mm into the wood surfaces, further than ozone and water-based chemicals can reach. When cleaning wine barrels via steam we bring them up to 100°C and hold this temperate for 3-5mins for opimal sanitisation and increase in wine barrel life expectancy.

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Wine barrel steam cleaning
Steam cleaning

Why steam to clean?

Steam is a chemical-free disinfectant that penetrates both tough surfaces and delicate fabrics to kill bacteria and viruses. Steam is a much safer alternative to traditional cleaning methods, avoiding the health risks associated with inhaling chemicals. It uses 95% less water compared to normal cleaning processes so you save water while being able to clean in spaces that normal water can’t reach.

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How is our product different?

The Optima Steam is a world leader in steam technology. As a 100% natural cleaning product it offers a safe and cost-effective option for a superior clean. Two operators can clean at once without loss in steam pressure, increasing your efficiency. We also provide specialist tools to meet all your cleaning needs – these range from a car-cleaning kit through to an industry-certified wine barrel tool.

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Steam cleaning - Motorcycle
Steam cleaning - Car

Free, No obligation demonstration

To find out if steam cleaning is the right for you we offer a FREE no-obligation demonstration. We visit you on-site so you have the opportunity to see the machine in action and try the equipment yourself. Alternatively, you can also visit our Auckland or Wellington office by appointment for a personal demonstration. We will develop a package tailored to your specific needs to ensure you get the optimum use from the machine.

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